Tuesday, July 05, 2005

PoweR Girl!

Public Relations. The "dark side" as we called it during my summer ASME internship.

Don't get me wrong, I am loving my PR job right now - mostly because I have an awesome boss and genuinely like our clients (and who are they you ask? Twist, b-glowing, Flowerbud and Schoolhouse Electric Co., of course!) - but I still have trouble identifying myself as a PR person, mostly because of the bad rap PR flacks (often deservedly, sometimes unfairly) get from editors. The thing is, because I was on the magazine side for a bit, I completely agree with the usual complaints - pitching items that are completely irrelevant to the editor and anything he/she is working on, annoyingly persistent follow up verging on stalking - and I try to avoid those pitfalls in my own work.

Maybe that's why I still think I would get along with beauty editor Jolie (my new favorite blogger mentioned in my previous post), despite (or maybe because of) her recent missive on PR events and PR girls (a little negative, but also celebrating all the freebies and fun events she gets to go to thanks to the beauty PR peeps). If you're at all curious about the world I navigate and the relationship between magazines and PR (specifically in beauty departments), check it out: A Day in the Life, or Jolie Gets Wordy and Earnest.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Oh, come on - bad rap my ass - PR gets a bad rap because of idiots in the PR space - deservedly so. The fact is, it's still considered one hell of a glam profession - and those who do their jobs well will never hurt for work.
