Sunday, May 29, 2005

Santiam River, OR

Got out of town a bit yesterday - not to the beach because, as it turns out, John and I will be going on a beach camping trip next weekend with all his Frisbee peeps - but we did head to the Santiam River, a bit east of Salem. It was BEE-YOO-TEE-FULL! So, without further ado, enjoy the (camera phone) photos of the afternoon:

I wish it had been warm enough to actually wade in the water. But alas, the usual schizophrenia of Oregon weather set in and a day after the temp hit 90 and had us all dripping in sweat, the clouds rolled in.

The human touch - inevitable, I suppose. I did not put that there, by the way, just noticed it. I ain't no litter bug!

Hubbel was a bit sick, trying to get over a nasty cold or something, but the trooper never complained (like I would have!).

John hates to have his picture taken, and I was lucky enough to capture that with perfect timing. I LOVE this picture.

I am white trash. Expecting scorching sun, I wore my bathing suit, a tank top and cut off shorts (that I think have shrunk since last summer!), but in desperation (I hate to be cold) had to add this old poncho that John had in his car. I felt like Britney Spears.

My attempt at "meaningful" photography with a camera phone! I call it "Pensive." Ha ha.

John and Hubbel reenacting the scene in Dirty Dancing when Johnny and Baby dance on the log. Contrary to what you may think because of his name, I'm pretty sure that John has taken on the Baby role.

Look at that water! I was so taken by its clarity I couldn't stop blabbering about it, so I'm glad you can kind of see that in the picture. These kayakers came down a bit of rapids into the placid pool while we were watching and it made me want to go rafting sooooo bad.

Something about the wilderness brings out the kid in John. Here's the monkey boy climbing another log.

This is what I looked at most of the hike. Of course, I'm not in any of the pictures because I'm the crazy picture taker.

Cute little log bridge over a stream that flowed into the river. See below...

I went down the edge of the water and so wanted to wade in...Maybe next time.

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