Tuesday, May 24, 2005

PO to the NY

Yep, that's right, I'm headin' back to the east side, NYC. For the weekend at least. June 10th - 14th.

My itinerary: Fly into Newark at 10:45am on Friday, head into the city and drop my stuff at Mari's subletted closet on the Upper East (East or West?), then meet John's mom and aunts (for the first time!) for lunch, wander around (but more likely go nap in the closet), then finally dinner (by which time I will surely be in need of a stiff drink) with the ASME girls after work, just like the old days.

Saturday I'm going to be on a panel of PR newbies at a one-day PR mini-conference called "So You Want To Be A Publicist?" (this is the legitimate excuse for my trip), where I will network my butt off (just for you Mom!). And then perhaps a play that evening with Mari and whoever else is interested - we're thinking either Avenue Q or HurlyBurly. I should surely get tickets from TKTS on Friday or make Mari do it on Saturday. In either case, there will be some bar-hopping for sure after the show!

Sunday should surely involve reading the Sunday New York Times (love those wedding announcements) in Central Park and some shopping (H&M here I come!! Can I really wait that long?), and Monday will probably entail some more shopping tucked in around a visit to the new MOMA. Oh! And the girls and I should surely hit up the ritual $1 beers at Off the Wagon that night! Brunch on Tuesday will be the perfect send-off before I head to the airport and come on back to my P-town 'hood (where an upcoming move will await me). Sounds glorious to me! Only two weekends away, yo. Watch out.

As for this upcoming long weekend, I'm starting to become obsessed with the idea of going camping at the beach...we'll see if I can work that out with John, who is the expert in that area. I'm not sure how happy I will be about sand in my pants in the end, but doesn't it sound romantic? I'll try and post some pictures if we get there - the Oregon coast is magnificent!

Now that I'm actually going to be back in NYC in the very near future, I'm really liking really living the PONY lifestyle.

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