Tuesday, May 17, 2005

like sands through the hourglass, these are the pictures of our lives

I'm too tired to write the more involved post I had planned for today, so instead I'm posting a few photos giving you a glimpse into the lives of Kristen and Liz, PONY girls.

See that girl with the chunky necklace and bracelet (so on top of the trends!). That's Kristen schmoozing with the best of 'em at one of the Ed2010 Happy Hours in NYC earlier this month. Ed2010 is a well-known (in the media world) resource for young magazine superstars, hosting happy hours for networking (and meeting fellow media types to sleep with - this is an incestuous business after all!), answering newbies' questions (all of which are pretty much different forms of "How do I get a job at a magazine?"), and posting "whisper" job openings that have yet to be officially posted on the traditional boards. Kristen looks ADORABLE in this picture, and I wish I had been there with her. I don't know who those schmucks are in the background, but the guy she's talking to on her left is Chris, a writer at People mag.

**CORRECTION: I am an idiot (and was pretty tired when I posted this last night), and upon closer inspection of the above picture, I realized that my friend, Emily (one of the three amigos during the NYC summer - me, Kristen and Emily) is in the background behind Kristen - and she's not a schmuck. Just wanted to clarify.

Meanwhile (well, not really "meanwhile" since this picture was taken at least 10 days after the one up there, but anyway...), I was in Seattle with the boys this past weekend for a Mariners baseball game (which I really enjoyed, by the way!) and we stopped by the Pike Place Fish Market (the infamous place where they throw around whole fish), which is pictured in the stunning camera phone photo here. I took this for Kristen to remind her of when we were in Seattle together last March ('04) and spent several hours, in a hangover daze, hanging around the fish market watching (and trying to flirt with) the cute fish mongers. There weren't any cute ones there this past weekend, which was for the best since this time I had my adorable boyfriend to pay attention to (had to say that just in case he's reading this, which he will be since I make him!).

So that's what we've been up to. Don't you wish you were us? Ha!

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