Wednesday, April 27, 2005


You'd think I'm obsessed, wouldn't you? I've been wanting to post these photos from when the RedBall was here, but I didn't want the project to completely take over the blog. So I put up a few posts in between and now I can share some of these more candid RedBall shots.

Selena gets up close and personal with the giant red ball. Watch out - that thing throws you back with just as much, if not more, force as you use to jump into it.

Case in point: I even got some air on this one, and then not even a second after this photo was snapped, I nearly face-planted on the cement thanks to the kick-back. Ahhh, the power of the RedBall.

Selena and Kurt (the artist), before.

Selena and Kurt, after. Ahhh, the power of the RedBall. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. i have turned up briefly to share my 50% of the story that was so brazenly put out to the masses... or to the 79 (and counting) that think 'you are popular'... now i spend a sunday morning not ravishing the wedding announcements, as you have deemed a mostly worthwhile and naughty little past time, but instead, treading through the archives to post a little snippit now that i know its safe to come out and play...rarr rarr rarr! you know i love ya...

    magic, lizzibelle, has two parts:
    1 part that undoes everything you think is so special about it once you know how it works

    1 part not magic anymore because too much time has gone by...

    our brains fail to retain a solid memory of magic. magic is instantaneous, like a blink, or a dream, therefore all we remember is how the magic made us feel, not the magic itself. a sticky residue that gums the brain is all that is left, and when we happen upon that fogged little place that once was gray matter, we get a tingle and an idea that at some junction of time and activity, we were part of something magical...

    its just like saul said, 'what is, is, now have faith in the way things are.'
